Wee Campus is an online digital community that has been developed and co-designed with students with experience of care to be a safe place to engage, share experiences, advice, find information, and encourage others through their higher education journey. We are open to all and believe everyone wants to be the best they can be, wants to be there for others, and with the right support can excel.
What we offer:
- A safe place to connect with other further and higher education students with care experience
- Share experiences and guidance; learning from other students through sharing experiences
- Find Information and seek advice
- Encourage others through their further and higher education journey
- Signposting to resources available at colleges and universities Scotland wide
- Signposting to resources relating to student life
- We are open to all further and higher education students with care experience Scotland wide. We define care experience as including all experiences of care for any length of time. This includes all forms of kinship care (informal, formal, and anywhere in-between), foster care, residential care, secure care, being looked after at home, and adoption. No one at the Why Not? Trust will ask for evidence of care to join Wee Campus or to receive support from the Why Not? Trust.
- Current list of relevant information/support available for prospective and current students with care experience offered from various colleges and universities in Scotland. As of Fall 2024, we have had 18 institutions respond, the results from which can be viewed here.
Find Out More:
Message a team member:
Other Information:
Check out our latest report on our first year of Wee Campus
Find out about what Wee Campus is all about on our latest blog
Introducing The Wee Campus: An Online Support Network for Students with Care-Experience
Curious about important 2024-25 Deadlines? We have put together a 2024-25 calendar with some common deadlines and reminders. It is available at the below link:
Are you a Supporter of students of Wee Campus?
Starting in Summer of 2023, we began to survey universities and colleges across Scotland to collate relevant information/support available for prospective and current students with care experience. The information that was of most interest to prospective and current students was regarding accommodation, funding, wider access program links, and care experience evidencing information. As of Fall 2024, we have had 18 institutions respond, the results from which can be viewed HERE. If you would like to take part in our survey or update the information for your university or college, please contact us at hello@whynottrust.org.
How to Join:
If you are a FE/HE student (currently studying or actively applying) in Scotland with care experience and would like to join our Wee Campus community, find our Wee Campus group on Facebook.